Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Look What I Can Do!!!

Gracyn has outgrown her tub! Well, let's just say we moved it to the big tub so that she doesn't splash water everywhere. That was the problem when putting her tub in the sink. She would kick her feet and slap her hands in the water and I would always end up wetter than she was. I tried sitting her in the sink, but that didn't work very well. Here she looks like she is all kicked back in a hot tub! She isn't quiet sure what that thing is that's floating in her water!

Gracyn is at that stage where she doesn't want to lay down, she wants to be sitting up and looking around. This is not a good thing while I'm trying to cook dinner or pick up around the house. Problem solved! I just open the door and sit her in front of it and she has a blast! Of course, I can see her at all times.

She is really starting to keep her balance while trying to sit up on her own. She is still pretty wobbly but can hold a sitting position for a good 30 seconds!

I've noticed she has been trying to hold her own bottle for awhile, but today she took control and fed herself! Of course, I was right there so that every time she dropped it I could put it back in her mouth. I'm not sure I'm ready for her to start holding her own bottle. It just means she is growing up too fast! We haven't even started baby food yet!


I had a very good first Mother's Day! Gracyn and I stayed Saturday night at Nonna's (my mom) and cooked her breakfast Sunday morning. Then later that afternoon we got to visit with Ma (Clint's mom.) Katie, Eric, and Caroline came up that evening and the dad's took us new mommies out for sushi at Shoguns then to have frozen yogurt at Orange Mango! YUMMY!