Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Cole is 10 Months Old!

Cole is in the double digits in months!!! I just can't believe how fast his first year is going. Maybe because he is my second so I'm super busy with two kids. I don't remember Gracyn's first year going by this fast! Cole weighs 19.4 lbs, which is up from last month, but barely over where he was at 8 months. The doctor is not worried about that though, since he is still in the 50% on weight and isn't losing. Pretty sure it was those pesky stomach bugs. Cole now has 6 teeth!!! Two on the bottom and 4 on the top. Poor guy pretty much had them all come in at once. He was a trooper though. Cole is still breastfeeding! I can't believe we have made it this long! He does not like it when I feed him his food. He wants to do it himself. I have to give him a spoon to hold in order for me to feed him with the other spoon. It's gotten easier for me to just give him little pieces of real food and let him feed himself....he loves peas and corn! It won't be long before he just picks up a rib and eats it! HA!
This poor puppy....he just gets wallered all over in pictures.

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