Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Funny Girl

Gracyn said the funniest thing today on the way to school. I always think, "Oh I will remember that!" then it takes all I can to remember to tell Clint what she said just a couple hours later! So I decided to put them on the blog. So beware, every once in awhile there might be a blog post with just one or two things Gracyn said. Doesn't matter though...it's a way for me to remember!

When Gracyn wakes up in the morning she is always freezing. She wants her blanket. I can usually get her out of the house without one. Today she did her typical, "I'm cold" fit. When we got to the car I put the heater on in the back so it would warm her up. She said, " I just want to be comfy!" This just cracked me up!

Then she started singing, "Tonight.....we are young. nah na na nah...spaghetti." "Momma...I want chicken spaghetti!" Yes that is right....she made up her own words to Fun's song, "We are Young," added spaghetti to the lyrics, then decided she wanted chicken spaghetti. That girl is a mess!

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