Monday, March 11, 2013

Baby Update- Week 23

Week 23

Cole's little face is fully formed! He now just needs to grow and add some fat to those little cheeks! If you were to look at him now, his skin would be transparent, which means we would be able to see his bones and blood vessels (creepy!)
How far along?: 23weeks
Total weight gain: up 11 lbs. EEK!

Maternity clothes?: In need of maternity jeans! I bought a regular pair of jeans a size bigger and wearing them with my bella band, but now I just look like I have saggy drawers!

Sleep: I have been sleeping very well lately!

Best moment this week: Feeling Cole move from the outside and being able to see my stomach move along with his kicks! Also, getting his furniture in and setting it up in his room!

Miss Anything?: not much this week.

Movement: Yes!

Food cravings: Nothing really this week.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not now.

Gender prediction: It's a BOY!!!!

Labor Signs: Nope

Symptoms: None

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: I can tell you what I'm NOT looking forward glucose test next week! YUCK!

Gracyn's take on the baby: She loves to talk to him and "tickle" him. She was very excited to wake up from nap yesterday afternoon to see Cole had furniture in his room...minus the crib.